Your website can’t look goodsometimes on some devices. It needs your impeccable look, feel, and operability no matter when or from where it’s accessed. Mobile responsive is no longer the wave of the future … it’s the need of the now.
Alarms Systems Winnipeg
Your website can’t look goodsometimes on some devices. It needs your impeccable look, feel, and operability no matter when or from where it’s accessed. Mobile responsive is no longer the wave of the future … it’s the need of the now.
Faecis horrifer caelo aere nisi. Piscibus coegit super lucis fuerat haec. Metusque locavit
Orbis mundo terram quam! Passim flamina vis silvas persidaque sublime diversa nitidis
Regna astra quin regio ipsa perpetuum aequalis. Fixo umentia supplex duas vis nondum chaos
Regna astra quin regio ipsa perpetuum aequalis. Fixo umentia supplex duas vis nondum chaos
Email us now for more information regarding home security and how to make your home and family safe
Oakley Alarms Ltd
359 Pandora Ave W,
Winnipeg, MB R2C 1M6
Call Us Today (204) 654-9982
If you own a business and need it protected, we can do that! Our commercial systems are fitted to your business’ specifics. No hassle and no fuss, we can get your commercial space outfitted to prevent break and enter and allow you to fully control and keep tabs on your business’ security and staff opening and closings.
Every one of our systems come with monitoring service that provides you with 24/7 monitoring, 365 days of the year. You will receive a call within a brief time frame after an alarm in your home. If required, the authorities will be dispatched immediately. We can monitor systems through a phone line, over the internet or using the cellular network available to us.
Using our home automation Total Connect 2.0 app, you can be more connected with your home than ever before. Arm and disarm your system from anywhere in the world. Receive notifications and event updates for every connected device in your home. Customize different codes for family members, cleaners, dog sitters, baby sitters and whoever else may frequent the home.
We have a wide range of security products that are designed to keep you and your family safe and secure. From burglary protection to fire and carbon monoxide detectors, we can outfit your home to fit your security and safety needs. Our focus on home alarm systems provides you with the safest and most secure products in the marketplace.